
In the beginning there was chaos and all things were with in that chaos including the first story. The story provided a form and structure to the chaos. From that form and structure came the story of the universe. And from the story of the universe came the story of this world. And from the story of this world came the story of the things that live on that world, including the story of the humans.

At first the story of the humans was similar to other stories told on this world, but over time the human story became different. It became a story of control and it denied the existance of the other stories. Only the human story existed and even then, only the story that was seen as correct was allowed to be told. Which story was correct changed from group to group, but all groups agreed that their story was the correct story and all other stories were wrong.

This fighting over stories has continued for so long that most humans are unaware that other stories can exist. Unaware that under all stories is the chaos. Unaware that everything has it’s own story that rests on top of that chaos. Unaware that everything can only live its story. Unaware that it is our purpose to live our story to it’s completion, at which point our story will end and we will slip back into the chaos.

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