Ian MacKaye – Creative Time Summit DC Keynote

“…sometimes when we play shows I always try to remind the audience that we are the band, they are the audience, we are collectively making a show. If the audience was not there we would be practicing. The energy that happens between a band and audience is the thing that can elevate the moment and make it into something that is… transportive I guess or whatever the word is.”

[Talking about Dischord Records]: ‘…December will be 36 years. This is a label that has been around… I just want to point out a few things. Never used a single contract. I don’t have a lawyer, never had a lawyer. We pay royalties every six months still to this day. I have four employees, who have health care. I just want to say those things out loud because people say ‘It’s to idealistic’ it’s not to fucking idealistic if you just do the work that’s in front of you and most of all if you don’t look beyond the work to the profit because that is the distraction. It’s the money that always gets in the way.”

“I do know one thing. Artists are translators, that I’m pretty sure about. They see something; they have to explain it. And the way they explain it, if they’re visual artists they make a picture, ‘this is what I see’. And if they’re writers and they’re thinking, ‘this is what I think’. And if they’re musicians, ‘this is what I hear’. And if they’re dancers, ‘this is how we dance’. They’re translating.”

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